quitting a part time job you just started

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quitting a part time job you just started | show all
  • violet anderson yuill   quitting a part time job you just started 1874-00-00   lanark, lanarkshire, scotland

  •  quitting a part time job you just started 1874-00-00   quitting a part time job you just started james bryden yuill quitting a part time job you just started jean aiton gibson
     quitting a part time job you just started lanark, lanarkshire, scotland

    quitting a part time job you just started

    principal name
    1881-04-03 census james bryden yuill daughter wellgate head, lanark, lanarkshire, scotland
    1891-04-05 census james bryden yuill daughter 35 wellgate street, lanark, lanarkshire, scotland
    1897-08-24 marriage robert taylor 9 wellgate head, lanark, lanarkshire, scotland

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