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date |
type |
principal name |
description |
place |
1828-00-00 | childbirth | thomas smeall | kirknewton and east calder, midlothian, scotland | |
1835-00-00 | childbirth | william smeall | kirknewton and east calder, midlothian, scotland | |
1838-00-00 | childbirth | james smeall | kirknewton and east calder, midlothian, scotland | |
1840-07-00 | childbirth | david smeall | kirknewton and east calder, midlothian, scotland | |
1841-06-06 | census | christian telfer | hatton garden, kirknewton and east calder, midlothian, scotland | |
1841-1861 | occupation | master gardener (employing 3 men & 2 women) | hatton garden, kirknewton and east calder, midlothian, scotland | |
1842-00-00 | childbirth | christian smeall | kirknewton and east calder, midlothian, scotland | |
1851-03-30 | census | christian telfer | hatton garden, kirknewton and east calder, midlothian, scotland | |
1861-04-07 | census | christian telfer | private house, kirknewton and east calder, midlothian, scotland | |
1871-04-02 | census | christian telfer | kirknewton and east calder, midlothian, scotland | |
1881-04-03 | census | william smeall | father | meadow house, corstorphine, midlothian, scotland |
records 1 to 11 of 11
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