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    principal name
    1799-05-26 marriage william gibson carstairs, lanarkshire, scotland
    1802-05-28 childbirth janet gibson carstairs, lanarkshire, scotland
    1804-02-19 childbirth alexander gibson carstairs, lanarkshire, scotland
    1806-02-09 childbirth jean "jane" gibson carstairs, lanarkshire, scotland
    1808-01-06 childbirth james gibson carstairs, lanarkshire, scotland
    1809-08-10 childbirth elizabeth gibson carstairs, lanarkshire, scotland
    1811-07-14 childbirth grizzel "grace" gibson carstairs, lanarkshire, scotland
    1811-07-14 childbirth christian gibson carstairs, lanarkshire, scotland
    1813-08-01 childbirth thomas gibson carstairs, lanarkshire, scotland
    1815-04-29 childbirth mary gibson carstairs, lanarkshire, scotland
    1817-05-27 childbirth catherine gibson carstairs, lanarkshire, scotland
    1841-06-06 census william gibson village, carstairs, lanarkshire, scotland

    records 1 to 12 of 12

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