is housewife a career

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  • john menzies   is housewife a career 1880-00-00   dalserf, lanarkshire, scotland

  •  is housewife a career 1880-00-00   is housewife a career james menzies is housewife a career elizabeth whinton robertson
     is housewife a career dalserf, lanarkshire, scotland
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    principal name
    1908 occupation electrical engineering foreman lanarkshire, scotland
    1908-12-25 marriage christina anderson dalserf, lanarkshire, scotland
    1910-01-03 childbirth christina abercrombie menzies 7 quarry street, hamilton, lanarkshire, scotland
    1914-10-09 childbirth john menzies 100 townhead road, hamilton, lanarkshire, scotland

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